Sunday, February 3, 2008


Lent begins this week- early this year! I was not brought up Catholic, but since becoming one a few years ago, I have thought long and hard each year about what I will give up during this time. Sometimes instead of giving something up, I have decided to add something, such as, prayer with the kids consistently or reading a Bible story each night. I like do this anyway, but I will be honest- there are nights that I am just ready for them all to go to bed. I know this time is about the sacrifice and giving something up we love to remember what Jesus did for us. I struggle with this because everything is so trivial compared to His sacrifice! I like my coffee or soft drinks, and yes, it would be really hard to give these up-- but I still go back to what He gave up for us. I know that obviously we can not do that much, but it just makes me think- I need to make sacrifices every day of the year and remember what God has given us each day. We get in our busy routine and rarely pause in our day- just to remember what He does for us and how much we are loved! I think this year I would like to just make time to "pause" and listen and pray each day- for myself and with the children.


Kyle, Mel, and Samuel, and Noah said...

I think that is great and very special to have that time by yourself and with your kiddos each day. It is so easy to get so wrapped up in our busy lives and not take time to stop and spend time with God. During your LONG runs you will get LOTS of time to yourself to be with God :)