Friday, January 9, 2009

Family Competition

I am getting addicted to Wii. I love this game! We got this from my dad and stepmom for Christmas and have had so much fun! We mostly play the bowling- my score is improving and I am getting lots of turkeys! Fun- didn't even know what a turkey was until now. :) I was actually sore after playing the games. Love that!

Also got Wii fit from my mom. Nice! They really hold you accountable and ask where I have been if I haven't been on in a while.... pressure! I also got a game called My Fitness Coach. This is similar to Fit, but has different exercises.

On less active nights, we play in our new family band with Guitar Hero world tour.
I never realized until playing this how well my husband can play the drums. He has always told me he played, and he beats on things like the table or steering wheel while listening to music, but he is really good.

I thought, "Wow... he's hot!!!" Nice to think your husband is hot after 12 years!

I must go... time to play Wii!!! ;)